This course aims to introduce students to a quantitative approach to studying the problems of physiological adaptation to weightlessness. 这门课程的目的是让学生了解一些研究无重状态下生理适应性问题的方法。
Salivary components of herbivory insects are variable with host plant species most likely due to biochemical or physiological adaptation of insects to nutrients and toxins in different plants. 寄主植物对昆虫的唾液成分也有很大的影响,可能是昆虫对不同植物营养成分和毒性成分的适应方式。
Influence of Winter Rest Time on Early Physiological Adaptation of the Builders Reentered Into Plateau 冬休对再入高原施工人员早期生理习服的影响
Studies of Physiological Adaptation Ability of Different Cucumber Varieties Under Poor Light 弱光下不同黄瓜品种生理适应性的研究
Laying stress on the genes related to physiological adaptation; 重点开展生理性低氧适应相关基因的研究;
Characters of Tamarix hispida Willd Communities and Its Ecological& Physiological Adaptation 刚毛柽柳群落特征及其生态、生理适应性
Physiological Adaptation of Habitat by Ion Distribution in the Leaves of Four Ecotypes of Reed ( Phragmites australis) 四种生态型芦苇叶中离子分布对生境的生理适应(英文)
The inducibility of AF was higher at the sites revealed maladaptation of AERP to the heart rate ( HR) than sites without such physiological adaptation to HR. AERP心率适应不良部位继发性房颤的诱发率高于生理性AERP心率适应性部位。
Ecological distribution and physiological adaptation to saline-alkali environment of C3 and C4 plants in Northeastern China prairie area 东北草原区C3、C4植物的生态分布及其适应盐碱环境的生理特性
【 Objective 】 To study the physiological adaptation mechanism of the cotton root to the nutrition stress in the wheat-cotton intercropping environment, and to give clues on resolving the lag and weak growth of cotton in wheat-cotton intercropping system. 【目的】探索麦棉套作两熟中棉花根系对逆境适应的生理机制,为采取合理调控措施、解决麦棉两熟双高产栽培中棉花弱苗晚发问题提供依据。
Intervention in Physiological Adaptation to the Special Environment of Spaceflight with Chinese Medicine 航天特因环境下机体适应的中医药干预
Rape has strong physiological adaptation under low P stress condition. The important characters of physiological adapation are the changes of root morphology and improvement of acid phosphatase activity ( APA). 缺磷胁迫条件下甘蓝型油菜表现出很强的生理适应性,根系形态变化及植株体内酸性磷酸酶活性提高是其生理适应性表现的重要特征。
Morphological and Physiological Adaptation of Plant Root to Nutrient Deficit and Elemental Toxicity Stress 植物根系对养分缺乏和毒害的适应及其与养分吸收效率的关系
No matter modal adaptation, physiological adaptation or the adaptation of behavior are all formed through the natural selection during the course of evolution. 无论是形态适应、生理适应还是行为适应都是在进化过程中通过自然选择形成的。
The Difference of Variant Type Cucumber for the Physiological Adaptation Ability of Lower Temperature and Pool Light 不同类型黄瓜苗期对亚适温弱光生理适应的差异
Therefore, it is increasingly interested in the physiological response and adaptation. 因此抗旱早的生理机制和适应性正日益引起人们的兴趣。
Responses of Maize Seedings to osmotic stress and physiological adaptation theory of permeation 玉米对渗透胁迫的反应和生理适应
Physiological adaptation of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis to environments 入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花对环境的生理适应性研究
Gradual physiological adaptation of the leafminer larvae to the novel hosts was widening their host plant range. 阐述了多食性斑潜蝇寄主植物范围扩大的原因。
It is highly physiological adaptation of fresh water fishes to aquatic environment that coagulation time was decreased significantly ( P < 0. 01) after hemolysis; 鲤鱼血液溶血后凝血时间缩短,是淡水鱼对水生生活高度的生理适应;
Physiological mechanism adaptation to soil drought by the leaves of Winter Wheat Seedlings 冬小麦幼苗叶片适应土壤干旱的生理机制
STUDIES ON THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF THIAMINE OF MEN WORKING IN HIGH TEMPERATURE ENVIROMENT Physiological Adaptation of Luxi Yellow Cattle under Higher Temperature Enviroment in Qixian 高温作业工人维生素B1的营养情况鲁西黄牛引入到祁阳高温环境下的生理适应观察
Physiological Adaptation in Altitude Training and Performance Capacity 高原训练的生理适应与运动能力
The physiological adaptation of Platanus acerifolia bud in winter 悬铃木越冬芽在冬季的生理适应
Interictal EEG as a physiological adaptation. Part I. Composition of brain oscillations in interictal EEG 发作间期EEG的生理适应第Ι部分:发作间期EEG中脑震荡的组成
The above indicates the physiological adaptation of hibernating animals in different seasons. 反映了冬眠动物对不同季节的生理性适应。
This study provides an experimental basis for exploring the molecular mechanisms of bream physiological adaptation to hypoxic environment, and laid a theoretical foundation for improving the capacity of bream tolerance to hypoxia. 本研究为深入探索团头鲂应对缺氧环境生理适应的分子机制提供了实验依据,并且为培育耐低氧的团头鲂良种积累了资料。
In this paper, simulated and controlled experiments were employed to study the physiological and ecological adaptation of native and exotic aquatic plants in response to warming, nutrition addition and other factors under global warming, the results are as follows: 1. 本文通过模拟和受控实验,研究了水生植物乡土种和外来种对升温和营养添加等条件下的生理生态适应。
The multiple environmental factors change can influence biological behavior, physiological and evolutionary adaptation, and then change the population dynamics and community structure. 这些多重环境因子的变化会影响生物行为、生理和进化适应,进而改变潮间带种群动态和群落结构。
Previous studied in our laboratory showed the differences in physiological adaptation between colonial form and single-celled form of Microcystis. 我们实验室先前的研究表明群体和单细胞形态的微囊藻在生理适应方面有明显不同。